Downloading Yourself, Electric Elemental Beings, Meeting Every Archangel Whose Name You know


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The day is 216 hours and starts at 3 PM after hitting the 3 AM meditation bells nine times prior.

This post’s launch time is the east coast USA 8:08 morning gate, on the 3D date 071121, the following 3: PM will start this new day. Follow this parallel around the globe until it hits local time at three PM. The next new day will begin at 072021.

If you are conscious that a new day has begun, it is customary to send love and kindness to someone.

A general note; you are amongst family. Please feel free to reach out to any one of the Archangelic Community Leaders if you need help in any way with your approach to the assignments.

Today’s Date on The Archangelic Calendar is:


Calendar Binary Conversion: 




Hexadecimal Conversion: 5DE3553EE66809E80F3A212207D862BEC78

Octal Conversion: 13570652476714640117200747210221007660612766170


The Calendar:

– Gaia is in “Serzi’s Will;” Serzi (Our Galaxy) acts upon the “Infinite Universe’s will. The current setting is “Fire,” and when we say “Fire,” we mean a blazing inferno. The indicated dimensional transmutation is nothing like we have ever seen as stagnation has given way to an “Avalanche of Motion.” 

– A “Macrosystems Check” passed with total versatility and with flying colors.

– Solar “Goings on” moved the “Solar Even Column” (5); this will not be the last of such an event. 

– The timeline that most of us were physically born on is completely gone; there is no physicality left in where we once were. It’s incredible to have moved on from such a tragic timeline to where we are today. This motion is a testament to the levels of consciousness in which we have achieved. 

– Looking deeply at binary calculations, you can see a day of great victory rising. 

– The “Sirius Gateway” was an alignment opportunity that fast-tracked “The Gifted” to their places in the Galaxy. 

5D and Legion News: 

– Archangel Michael, Archangel Michael’s Legion, and the Lightworker Legion are going stealth. This statement means that we will all be working under cover of invisibility in the ether. 

– We have been warmly greeted by “Electric Elemental Beings” that we discovered on assignment. We discovered many similarities between our past and future. These elementals are “Earth Based” and have been hiding in a “Cave in France.” 

– “Charging” your physical vessel from a celestial body can only be done if the being allows you to. The stars will open all doorways for our legions, but it is because we have earned their respect, love, and admiration. 

– You can not go far enough into the future or deep enough into the past to find a weak point in our timeline engineering. We will not tolerate any interference and thus have engineered this timeline as an isolated reality only accessible by parallel timelines of a similar nature. This situation is extremely confusing on the lower timelines, which must think “The Rapture” has taken place with so many leaving unexpectedly. If you can conceptualize this notion, you have a firm grasp of what the multiverse is and does.

– It is said that when you leave your body, you will be greeted by every Archangel whose name you know. Ok, it’s more than said; it’s an absolute promise. 

– Many ancient cultures have been teaching modern spiritual principles for millennia. There must be a line of respect between culture and spirituality. The terminology may differ, and the ceremony may look unfamiliar, but they all express the same sentiment differently. There is no ONE way; there are many ways that dance in eclectic perfection. Remember, the point is not for all life forms to reflect the same sentiment to “Infinitely Expanding Creator Source,” it is to implement as many different reflections back to “The Creator” as possible. When an indescribable being tries to realize itself, the effort to do such a thing is gigantic, and in that task, it will take all kinds of personalities to succeed.

– Many of us have total recall of our past lives, and many do not. This ability does not make one more significant than the other; it simply means that this information was relevant for this person in this lifetime. Besides the point, many of the “Lightworker Legion” has never been human before. Therefore, they should be looking outer-worldly for their history.

– The “Stars and Astrology” are meaningless when your consciousness engulfs the cosmos. You tell the constellation to move, you make the seas rise and fall, and you are the stars shining down upon the Earth. In this consciousness, nothing in physical existence can move you as you are the entirety of it. 

Philosophical Buffet: 

– A word to the “Infinitely Wise” you may want to go into “Nature” more.  

– “Spiritual Mastery” at its essence is the removal of ego and the firm fixation of the macro motions of one’s soul and spirit. 

– There are so many layers of reality and ultimately the truth, it may be hard to stay conscious of them all. We are “Multiversal Beings” living inside a “Quantum Flip Book,” which happens to be “Existing in Multiple Dimensions Simultaneously.” This cascade of dimensions, reality, and truths will ultimately lead to your “Personality.” It is the microcosm of “All of The Above” and much more.  

– Addiction comes in many forms, and addiction to attention is most certainly on this list. Society has been taught to filter themselves through the optical eye, which has created a need for dramatic scenes to be played out on said medium. Life is not a series of validations that encourage your personality along the way; It is a path of self-discovery that will take any form. 

– The membrane of physical reality is “The Quantum Field” this is an organic part of the universe, much like any membrane of the human body is. As such, thinking of our “Organic Quantum Reality” is a beautiful reminder that the “Sea of Reality” in which we swim is a living, breathing aspect of “Infinitely Expanding Creator Source.” 

– “Downloading Yourself” is a poetic way of saying “Becoming who you are” or “Letting your Inner Divinity Shine,” which are also poetic ways to describe the profound changes that a master goes through along the way. The reason why we feel the term “Downloading Yourself” seems to be more appropriate is that you’re attempting to bring the higher realms of existence into “physical form via your life.” This journey is a process that has many steps and a gradual rise; it just seemed as if “Downloading Yourself” was the best way to describe this in our modern era.

– Your body is as an essential part of reality as your soul and spirit are. The human body is the vehicle we are in, and we must embrace this. Take care of your body the same way you do anything else of importance, with love and care. 

– Confidence in who you are is pivotal to navigating society. It is effortless to get lost in a situation when following the crowd. Follow the beat of your drum and forget about seeking approval at all costs.

– People and groupings of people are trying to heal their trauma the best they can; it is best to not interfere in this process. It is essential to allow people to feel how they feel and not be attacked if there are differences in opinion in any regard. This situation is another reason why confidence is virtue humanity must adopt. A confident human does not get insulted by words or views as they are firmly planted in their truth.

– Everything you want is on the other side of fear. 

– If your heart is not in it, you can’t fake it. This truth is especially the case when dealing with your inner/higher self, your inner observer. This observer can not be hidden; no part of yourself can lie to this observation as even the deceit is registered in its database. So if you are doing these assignments for “Good Karma” and “Good Karma Only,” your efforts will be in vain. 

Today’s Tools:

Tools will be active until the next “Archangelic Day. “

Use the legend below to help you decipher how to best use today’s weapons.

(Passive) = No intention needed to use or arm. It will work on its own when you accept its presence. All you need to do is give permission, and it will work on your behalf.

(Active) = Intention Needed to use

(Aggressive) = Will attack before anything has a chance to harm you.

Do not try to wield weapons if there is no pure love in your heart for your motions and the attached beings.

General: We have a strong shield and armor set balanced with a new profoundly powerful “Violet Flame.”

Archangel Metatron brings a massive upgrade to his weaponry; there is a cache too numerous to list. All of which have arrived from the furthest reaches of existence. 

The “Healing Hand” (Left) is active and optimized, as is the “Striking Hand.” 

The Violet Flame is set for 9 ( 45 – 4 + 5 = 9). The “Violet Flame” has turned lavender for the first time since the major shift. Previously this means an element of peace is present via transmutation. The flame is still “Crystalline” and “Violet Ray Light” infused. The evolution of the “Violet Flame” continues. 

The Violet Flame Team is as follows and is in no particular order: Archangel Gzrel, Archangel Galizur, Archangel Adnachiel, Archangel Emanuel, Archangel Cerviel, Archangel Machdiel, Archangel Bazazath, Archangel Tubiel, Archangel Shamsiel, Archangel Saniel, Archangel Bathkol, Archangel Zadquiel, Archangel Omiel, Archangel Issah, Archangel Peliel, Archangel Phanuel, Archangel Germaine, Archangel Ansiel, Archangel Sablo, Archangel Briathos, Archangel Tatrasiel, Archangel Aeshma, Archangel Bariel, Archangel Af, Archangel Daiqueil, Archangel Abraxos, Archangel Adonai, Archangel Sizouze, Archangel Varhmiel, Archangel Verdiel, Archangel Dardriel, Archangel Agla, Archangel Nuriel, Archangel Uzziel, Archangel Abasdaron, Archangel Harahiel, Goddess Freya, Goddess Diana, Goddess Hathor, Goddess Frigga, Goddess Maat, Goddess Parvati, Goddess Ceres, Goddess Brigid, and Archangel Dabriel.


“Archangel Michael’s Legendary Sword” can handle anything, as it is entirely omnipotent, no level of consciousness can block this divine weapon. It is also a great weapon against electronics and technology as it can override any circuitry.

(Passive, Active and Aggressive)

“Archangel Issac’s Radiant Field” looks a lot like Magnetos forcefield, and it reacts to any life form with either loving energy or a transmutation-al blast of vast power.

(Passive and Aggressive)

“Archangel Leo’s Swords of Plenty” is a passive and aggressive attack sword with a complete will. Do not try to wield at all; you will only get in the way, equip and go.

(Passive and Aggressive)

“Archangel Shepard’s Orb” is a divinity presence that allows anyone to encounter a clear path to forgiveness or a direct audience with “Infinitely Expanding Creator Source.” This tool is a genuinely compassionate tool of divine orchestration.


“Archangel Tzdeikiel’s Pendant of Justice” lessens all judgment against you and casts you in a favorable light. This tool is also helpful for general shielding.


“Archangel ZagZagel’s Staff Heavenly Might” rains large crystal masses upon a targeted area. Great for large targets, works on the physical and nonphysical as well.


“Archangel Gabrielle’s Dhul Fiqar Sword” brings down negative energies and anything attached to it. This sword will affect beliefs, followers, henchmen, etc. In other words, it does not stop at the point presented to it; it continues until there is nothing left of its essence. 

(Passive, Active and Aggressive)

“Archangel Barman’s Sightseeing Orbs” will break down all things and can break us free from any veils of deception. This tool looks like bubbles with clear images inside them; this comes in handy in many ways, obvious and not.


“Archangel Tagas’ Omni-Aid” is a tool that helps you hear above, below, and around someone’s spoken words. This tool shows you the real intentions behind someone’s comments; it’s also an excellent tool for reading cuneiform.


“Archangel Lofiel’s Boutonniere” enhances the beauty of yourself and all that you survey. This modality, like all passive tools, must be permitted to work on your behalf.


“Archangel Jeduthun’s Radiant Sounds” attract the most beautiful people to your life and enhance your surroundings with beautiful cosmic sounds. It’s also a happy enhancer.


“Archangel Jefisca’s Atmospheric Bracelet” brings an element of fun to your nights. Jefisca is the Archangel who is in charge of gatherings; if you are so inclined to have one, she would be the recommended party planner.


“Archangel Jophiel’s Radiance” is a beautiful tool that allows our inner beauty to shine. This tool is a great tool but can make people possessive over you as the beauty radiated is very intense. Use this tool in a trusted company only.


“Archangel Sorush’s Sword of Transmutation” is only for evil energies. This tool is far too powerful to wield lightly, and it is for the worst of the worst. 


“Archangel Raduriel’s Archive Key” allows you access to new areas of knowledge and wisdom; this also gives you better access to the akashic records and summons Archangels to your side as needed.


“Archangel Azrael’s Staff” allows you to see things from a divine perspective. It’s a symbol of wisdom and equipping; this has incredible effects on your thought perception and ability to cope with everyday life.


“Archangel Azriel’s Soul Splitter” has an aggressive attack upon anyone with a higher consciousness who wishes to harm any lower dimensional being. Its nickname comes from describing what it looks like in use. This tool is omnipotent to any evil force.

(Active, Passive and Aggressive)

“Archangel Azuruel’s Auto Gears” automatically sets the proper parameters to make changes smooth and effortless. It is a great tool to end relationships of all kinds as it guarantees the event manifests for the greater good of all involved.


“Archangel Zophiel’s Intel” brings your intuition a briefing to go along with your gut instincts. This tool can tell you exactly why you feel a certain way by leaving the guesswork out. If you are not clairaudient, Zophiel will get the message to you in other ways.

( Passive)

“Archangel Haniel’s Boots” helps you automatically keep you grounded and centered regardless of the circumstances. It is an advanced mechanism that should enhance your daily grounding practices but not replace them.

( Passive)

“Archangel Heman’s Song” places well-timed music into your life. Heman exclusively speaks through music; permitting this tool will ensure that these messages get delivered.


“Archangel Vahu Mana’s Timepiece” allows you to savor a positive feeling or thought. It brings an element of majesty to your everyday moments, and it prevents the interference of harmful time travelers.

(Passive, Active & Aggressive)

“Archangel Chamuel’s Radiant Peace” allows you to be secluded in a peaceful bubble, no matter what is happening around you. This tool also allows those in your heart to have protection as well.


“Archangel Temperance’s Health Elixir” rejuvenates all aspects of your being with a steady stream of potent healing energy designed to help in good health and in bad. Just allow this tool to work on your behalf by telling Archangel Temperance to make it so.

(Active and Passive)

“Archangel Dubbiel’s Staff of Bear Medicine” can heal all natural things. This staff is also a powerful ally against all items that may obstruct you.

(Active and Passive)

“Archangel Chayyliel’s Horn” summons an army of unimaginable power to your location. This Horn is a hypersensitive tool, and it will adapt to current events in your life and on a global scale.


“Archangel Ophamiel’s Charm of Divine Permission” permits the divine hand of “Infinitely expanding Creator Source” to intervene in your life directly.


“Archangel Sophia’s Wisdom” is a friendly voice that helps you via grace and virtue. You can use this passively or evoke to start a dialog with Archangel Sophia. 


“Archangel Harmonia’s Peace Maker” brings peace to even the most hostile situations. It is a beautiful tool for family matters and other things that require a gentle hand. The method of manifestation the “Peace Maker” takes is always unique but peaceful.


“Archangel Ophamiel’s Charm of Divine Permission” permits the divine hand of “Infinitely expanding Creator Source” to intervene in your life directly. It grants favor in all ways, great and small, as long as it is in your best interests. 

(Active, Passive and Aggressive)

“Archangel Jehudiel’s” cosmic rockets send help from the cosmos in a variety of ways. This tool can eliminate generational curses as well as create miracles. Activate this tool and be clear as to what you expect from it for optimal results.


“Archangel Lamechiel’s Truth Teller” forces the truth out no matter how good the deceiver is. This tool not only removes deception but assures that you do not see this energy again. 


“Archangel Sachiel’s Energy Net” will blanket an area large or small and transmute the energies therein. Especially helpful for events; simply envision a green flower of life on your target.


“Archangel Sagnesagiel’s Body Guarding Services” compellingly watches over you. Evoke this tool for a boost to your protection entourage. 


“Archange Soterasiel’s Fire” brings the element of fire directly from “Infinitely Expanding Creator Source” to your target. This fire is a unique metaphysical flame as it brings the will of the sum of the whole into its motions. This tool is a great tool to move stagnant energy or transmute trauma. 


“Archangel Yofiel’s Direction” keeps an army by your side in all dimensions. This tool is beneficial in times of stress and strife. 

(Passive and Aggressive)

“Archangel Raguel’s Orb of Reassurance” is like having a supportive best friend in your ear at all times. It is incredibly entertaining and amazingly wise, much like Archangel Raguel, a fantastic tool of communication.

(Active and Passive)

“Archangel Zadekiel’s hink (as he calls it)” is like an angelic swiss army knife that can be useful to open or close a portal, activate a grid, and help manifest your desires. This brilliant tool creates conscious energy.


“Archangel Orion’s Engineering Star Staff” can correct inconsistencies or DNA issues in any being; it can also aid in healing the electrical problems of living beings.


“Archangel Barakiel’s Lightning Rod” is an advanced engineering tool; place a rod in the center of a temple, and it activates it on its own. This tool saves us a good deal of effort.

(Passive and Aggressive)

“Archangel Baruchiels Orb” is excellent to encourage the healing of old wounds. This orb can is perfect for supporting your dreams and ambitions, but it can also knock beings into another galaxy when necessary.


“Archangel Balthioul’s Spinning Blades can thwart any distress that you may experience, and it can also keep all of your enemies at bay. Even if a seven-nation army is against you, it will bring them to their knees before they can even formulate a plan.


“Archangel Camael’s Headdress” gives you an insight into your inner talents and abilities. Set the intention and use it right before Meditation; you will not regret it.


“Archangel Raziel’s Universal Key” allows you access to all wisdom, knowledge, and kingdoms. This key is a beautiful and wild ride that can take you anywhere.

(Active, Aggressive and Passive)

“Archangel Expedite’s Wand of Speed” drastically decreases wait time in all situations. This tool helps with big and small things, one of the only devices that work equally well macro and micro.


“Archangel Ariel’s Wand of Comforts” helps you summon any necessity you may have. It is a beautiful and comforting tool when equipped.

(Active, Aggressive and Passive)

“Archangel Israfil’s Flaming Sword” can protect you against all things directed to you on a Macro or Micro Scale. It can also speed up the time in which something you wish to manifest will come to fruition.

(Active, Aggressive and Passive)

“Archangel Nasaragiel’s Flaming Sword” can bring any negative energy to its knees. It also can remove all obstacles in the way of something you wish to manifest.

(Passive and Aggressive)

“Archangel Kaleziel’s Radiant Rays of Health” wards off all diseases and illnesses. It can also help recover conditions already inflicted; it works on landmasses and individual living beings.

(Passive and Aggressive)

“Archangel Theliel’s Radiant Compassion” sends heartfelt love to all within your jurisdictions. This tool is the nurturing aspect of healing, and it has incredible warmth. It is best to wield this with a calm frame of mind.


“Archangel Raphael’s Healing Staff” is an omnipotent healing force that works gradually or intensively depending on how you yield it. It is considered the best general healing instrument.

Today’s Assignments:

Please use today’s current tools if you need assistance performing the tasks below. Nothing requires you to do the following, if you are ready, your higher self will call you to duty; if not, skip to the Meditation.



~ The Portals we created here are outstanding and still active. 

* To implement a Multi-Dimensional Violet Flame; Reach for the highest level of consciousness available to you at the movement, ignite the “Violet Flame” there and bring it down engulfing Dimension upon Dimension until it falls upon the Earth and the Physical Realm in General. Since you have initiated this “Flame” in the higher dimensions, allowing this “Flame” to burn itself is optimal. It takes a great deal of control to sustain the “Flame” without adding anything to it once it reaches Earth. It takes even more power to hold this for an extended time, and it is a matter of letting go, observing yet not being attached, doing yet not doing. For you, the “Very Gifted,” this will eventually become effortless.

~ Initiate the “Multi-Dimensional Violet Flame.” 

~ There is drought in some areas and too much rain in others; balance the two by engulfing the Earth in the following “Teal Modalities:” Flame, Breeze, Plasma, Light, Thundering Light, Plasma, and Electrical Strikes; to them both.

* Areas in need of a Stairway to Heaven:” Manchester, Bangladesh, Naples, Greece, The Ivory Coast, Egypt, Zambia, Reno, The Deserts of Nevada, Odessa, The Yucatan Peninsula, Memphis – Egypt, Jerusalem, Vienna, Liverpool, Albania, Hebron, Belarus, Accra, The Philippine Islands, Melbourne, Sydney, Portland, Denver, Newark, Trenton, Lousiana, Atlanta, Harrisberg, Pago Pago, Mecca, New Delhi, Maui, Brussels, Cape Town, Holland, Myanmar, Burma, Beirut, Tromso, Oslo, St. Louis, Detroit, Vancouver, London, Bali, Perth, Tokyo, Osaka, California, New York State, Maryland, NYC, Los Angeles, San Fransisco, Montana, Houston, San Antonio, California, Rio, Peru, Brasil, Argentina, South Africa, Sudan, Dublin, The Great Lakes, Tijuana Mexico, and Rome.

* Teams are walking around that we will call “Malevolence in Disguise,” scan the earth (Mostly USA). Strike them with metaphysical “Sword and Shield,” Disorient them,” or “Hijack their will” and make them jump in a metaphorical lake. This act is genuine compassion as stopping this is pivotal for their souls. 

* “Astral Time Travel and Astral Positioning” Assignments:

~ Engulf the following years in “Violet Flame” 862BC , 78BC, 40BC, 9BC, 63, 80, 117, 170, 318, 472, 612, 652, 660, 668, 766, 1007, 1022, 1357 1464, 2007

~ Engulf the following years in “Rainbow Plasma” 2122, 3553, 4767, 2022 – 2085 (All At Once), 2929, 2340, 3183, 5111, 7949, 9992, 9499

~ Engulf the 5th and 7th Dimension with “Rainbow Flame” and “Rainbow Light.”

~ “Caral Supe” in Peru (3,000 BC) is the most important temple on Earth at the time. Bring this temple back online in our modern times by engulfing the temple in “Rainbow Thundering Light” and walking it forward to modern times. 

~ “Ephesus” (85 BC) can be found in western Turkey. Find “The Temple of Artemis” please intend to empower this temple with no expiration date. Activate it with the following “Thundering Lights:” White, Pink, Light Blue, Gold, Yellow, Green, Red, Brown, Teal, Rose Gold, Silver, Orange, Indigo, Violet, Platinum, Diamond, and Rainbow.

~ “Mesa Verde” in the South West US (550 AD) was another thriving city of great wisdom. Enhance the influence of this time and place with the following “Teal Modalities:” Flame, Breeze, Plasma, Light, Thundering Light, Plasma, and Electrical Strikes. 

~ “Tulum” in Mexico (564 AD) is a powerhouse crystal grid, travel back to when the grid was active and hold a “Light Blue Electrical Strike” from 564 to our current timeline by holding the “Light Blue Electrical Strike” as you walk forward to present times. 

~ “Tikal” (600 AD) in Guatemala was the largest and most potent Mayan city. Locate the Temple of the “Two-Headed Snake” and engulf it with the following “Flames:” White, Pink, Light Blue, Gold, Yellow, Green, Red, Brown, Teal, Rose Gold, Silver, Orange, Indigo, Violet, Platinum, Diamond, and Rainbow. They will awaken energies that will come to us in our now. 

~ “Borobudur” (845 AD) in Indonesia is a temple dedicated to enlightenment. Therefore, encourage “Enlightenment” in all regards by engulfing this temple in the following “Lights:” White, Pink, Light Blue, Gold, Yellow, Green, Red, Brown, Teal, Rose Gold, Silver, Orange, Indigo, Violet, Platinum, Diamond, and Rainbow.

~ “Ayutthaya” in Sri Lanka (1350 AD) is a historical city with abundance and harmonious energies. We wish to enhance the influence this time and place has on humanity with the following “Silver Modalities:” Flame, Breeze, Plasma, Light, Thundering Light, Plasma, and Electrical Strikes. 

~Engulf “Carbis Bay” in Cornwall, England from 2020 – 2022 in the following “Flames:” White, Pink, Light Blue, Gold, Yellow, Green, Red, Brown, Teal, Rose Gold, Silver, Orange, Indigo, Violet, Platinum, Diamond, and Rainbow. Be ready with an “Exit Portal” and “Sword and Shield.” 

~ “Hvar” in Croatian is an island whose heights were around 400 AD. The people who were there are trapped and would like to reincarnate. Therefore, erect as many Stairways to Heaven:” as possible and cleanse the area with “Rainbow Flame.” 

* Enhance or cleanse these “Power-Spots” below with great emotion and focus.

~ “Ayden” in North Carolina has 400 graves of enslaved people; help them the same way we did in “Hvar” as it is a similar situation, except in modern times. Erect as many Stairways to Heaven:” as possible and cleanse the area with “Rainbow Flame.” 

~ “Kaapvaal Craton” in South Africa is considered the “Cradle of Humanity” as remanence of the super-continent Pangea is evident till this day. To encourage new life, engulf this area with the following “Breezes:” White, Pink, Light Blue, Gold, Yellow, Green, Red, Brown, Teal, Rose Gold, Silver, Orange, Indigo, Violet, Platinum, Diamond, and Rainbow.

~ “Sigiriya” is an ancient fortress carved into a 200-meter vertical rock face near the town of Dambulla in Sri Lanka. Use this site to strengthen our legions as we will open a “Star Gate Enterance Portal” and engulf the structure with the following “Plasmas:” White, Pink, Light Blue, Gold, Yellow, Green, Red, Brown, Teal, Rose Gold, Silver, Orange, Indigo, Violet, Platinum, Diamond, and Rainbow.

~ With the same sentiment as “Sigiriya,” The ancient fortress of Masada by the Dead Sea (45AD) is also a powerhouse we can activate to intensify the power of our legions. To accomplish this, open a “Star Gate Enterance Portal” then use the following “Plasmas:” White, Pink, Light Blue, Gold, Yellow, Green, Red, Brown, Teal, Rose Gold, Silver, Orange, Indigo, Violet, Platinum, Diamond, and Rainbow.

~ By Enhancing the temple known as “Hampi” in India, we encourage abundance and sustaining energy to influence our Earth. It is pivotal that we feed the hungry and house the houseless; this effort will go a long way with that. Engulf the temple in the following “Red Modalities:” Flame, Breeze, Plasma, Light, Thundering Light, Plasma, and Electrical Strikes. 

~ “The Karnak Temple Complex” in Luxor, Egypt, is dedicated to “Love.” Invision yourself and our legions walking around the temple “9 times in each direction,” and it will enhance the loving energies of our world. 

~ Enhance “The Nazca Lines” in Peru with the following plasmas; be sure to stay within the lines. “Plasmas:” White, Pink, Light Blue, Gold, Yellow, Green, Red, Brown, Teal, Rose Gold, Silver, Orange, Indigo, Violet, Platinum, Diamond, and Rainbow.

~ “Sikkim” in India has the essence of the “Galactic Traveling Buddhas.” To encourage more of these cosmic energies to influence our talents and abilities, engulf the temple in the following “Ray Lights:” White Ray, Blue Ray, Yellow Ray, Pink Ray, Green Ray, Ruby Ray, and Violet Ray.

* “Metaphysical Salts” stop “Malevolent Star Beings” you can implement this tool in many ways, whether it be as rain or as a dust storm. Metaphysical salts are the most powerful tool we have against said beings. We will be adding this to our daily practices. 

* It is a good general practice to leave the entirety of the Earth in divine orchestration as we finish up our work.

~ Engulf the Earth in the following “Flames:” White, Pink, Light Blue, Gold, Yellow, Green, Red, Brown, Teal, Rose Gold, Silver, Orange, Indigo, Violet, Platinum, Diamond, and Rainbow.

~ Engulf the Earth in the following Metaphysical Salts: White, Pink, Light Blue, Gold, Yellow, Green, Red, Brown, Teal, Rose Gold, Silver, Orange, Indigo, Violet, Platinum, Diamond, and Rainbow.

~ Engulf the Earth in the following “Breezes:” White, Pink, Light Blue, Gold, Yellow, Green, Red, Brown, Teal, Rose Gold, Silver, Orange, Indigo, Violet, Platinum, Diamond, and Rainbow.

~ Engulf the Earth in the following “Plasmas:” White, Pink, Light Blue, Gold, Yellow, Green, Red, Brown, Teal, Rose Gold, Silver, Orange, Indigo, Violet, Platinum, Diamond, and Rainbow.

~ Engulf the Earth in the following Electrical Strikes:” White, Pink, Light Blue, Gold, Yellow, Green, Red, Brown, Teal, Rose Gold, Silver, Orange, Indigo, Violet, Platinum, Diamond, and Rainbow.

~ Engulf the Earth in the following “Waters:” White, Pink, Light Blue, Gold, Yellow, Green, Red, Brown, Teal, Rose Gold, Silver, Orange, Indigo, Violet, Platinum, Diamond, and Rainbow.

~ Engulf the Earth in the following “Lights:” White, Pink, Light Blue, Gold, Yellow, Green, Red, Brown, Teal, Rose Gold, Silver, Orange, Indigo, Violet, Platinum, Diamond, and Rainbow.

~ Engulf the Earth in the following “Thundering Lights:” White, Pink, Light Blue, Gold, Yellow, Green, Red, Brown, Teal, Rose Gold, Silver, Orange, Indigo, Violet, Platinum, Diamond, and Rainbow.

~ Engulf the Earth in the following “Crystalline Lights:” White, Pink, Light Blue, Gold, Yellow, Green, Red, Brown, Teal, Rose Gold, Silver, Orange, Indigo, Violet, Platinum, Diamond, and Rainbow.

~ Engulf the Earth with the following “Gamma Ray Lights:” White Ray, Blue Ray, Yellow Ray, Pink Ray, Green Ray, Ruby Ray, and Violet Ray.

~ Engulf the Earth with the following “Ray Lights:” White Ray, Blue Ray, Yellow Ray, Pink Ray, Green Ray, Ruby Ray, and Violet Ray.

Thank You for Your Service!

Today’s Meditation is below; please enjoy!


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