First Day of a New Season, Earth’s Collective of Life, Past Life Fatigue


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The day is 432 hours and starts at 3: PM after hitting the 3 AM meditation bells eighteen times prior.

This post’s launch time is the east coast USA 2:22 afternoon gate, on the 3D date 052222, the following 3: PM will start this new day. Follow this parallel around the globe until it hits your local time at three PM. The next new day will begin at 060922.

If you are conscious that a new day has begun, send love and kindness to all.

A general note; you are amongst family. Please feel free to reach out to any of the Archangelic Community Leaders if you need help with your approach to the assignments.

Today’s Date on The Archangelic Calendar is:


Binary Conversion: 1001 1111 1000 0001 0010 0001 1001 1100 1100 1111 0110 1011 0100 0011 1100 0110 1111 0100 0100 1001 0000 0110 0001 1100 1011 0110 1001 1000 0011 0000 0001 1110 0011 1010 1110 0000 1101 0111 1100 11000

Decimal Conversion: 1821 2185 1351 3586 1361 3686 1361 3617 5215 2156 5652 540 40

Hexadecimal Conversion: 13F0 2433 99ED 6878 DE89 20C3 96D3 0603 C75C 1AF 98

Octal Conversion: 2374 0220 6346 3665 5036 1572 1110 1416 2664 6030 0361 6560 327 630


The Calendar:

– Gaia is in “Serzi’s Will;” Serzi (Our Galaxy) acts upon the “Infinite Universe’s will,” which is yet a microcosm for “Infinitely Expanding Creator Source.” The current setting is “Spirit” because we are in complete balance in more ways than we can count. This is the aftershock of the perfect daily alignment and will manifest in many other ways. 

– It is the first day of the new season (Archangel Azrael, Goddess Athena Spirit/Multiverse Season ). This turning of the page means that the section of observed time we are in will take on the attributes of the beings mentioned. When dealing with significant macro situations, it helps the mind digest the concept when we put faces to the macro energies at play, such as Archangel Azreal and Goddess Athena. 

– Archangel Michael moves ahead in time, which indicates that we are about to pick up speed. Once Archangel Metatron is in his position, you can anticipate an “all systems go” macro situation, making many feel they have lost all grasp of space and time. This situation is necessary for the advancement of all things. 

– Major solar events keep pushing the solar column up steadily. 

Legion and 5D News 

– Past life fatigue is setting in for some. Many have been on the exhausting task of liberating Earth for many lifetimes. The good news is that when the fatigue hits, the healing begins.

– The sun will keep feeding our human vessel “Galactic Energies.” “Galactic Energies” are plentiful and helpful and are going along with the upgrades of our heart, mind, body, and soul.

– When outer-worldly beings enter the Earth’s atmosphere, they affect all other life on Earth. As they join “Earths Collective of Life” via electric vibration, the collective automatically benefits as their knowledge becomes part of the ether. This statement applies to all beings regardless of their intentions or abilities.  

– Expect giant Mandela effects to be pronounced. 

– Time has changed, and you can feel it on every level of your being.

– Keep an eye on the seven wonders.

– Learn to read the colors.

– The gods must be crazy as a piece of technology hits a very non-tech-friendly village; this may seem like an insignificant event, but it’s incredibly relevant to our future.

– Spherical unidentified vehicles will be all over the place. Keep an eye out, and say hello!

Philosophical Buffet:

– Most of the people reading this have long left any organized religion. They have found divinity unique and valuable in various principles that may or may not include religious influence. This situation is exceptional but not the norm, and for the most part, humanity has subscribed to the path of traditional religion. Dogma is not ideal from a spiritual development standpoint, but we should not condemn those taking this road as it may be the perfect mindset for where they are. Some people are not ready to stand on their own “spiritual two feet.” When someone is very lost, religion can become a positive driving force for them. Living on Earth is a challenging proposition, and if religious faith helps some people, we need not feel threatened; we can choose not to partake. It is only when oppression and condemnation enter the philosophy of religion that it becomes problematic for the planet. In a general sense, we all need to stop judging others in all directions; religious, spiritual, or other; accept that there need to be different methods as we have an eclectic group of beings inhabiting the Earth. 

– As far as multiverse travel is concerned, there are unlimited ways to get to the desired result. There is no need for suffering or sacrifice to get there, as there are infinite paths to all things. With this knowledge, we become the creators, observers, and macro regulators of our lives.

– Never fear anything you have no choice over; the situation is there to inspire bravery in its very nature.

– Everything in the micro runs parallel to the macro and every dimension in between. As above, so below, and everything in the middle. 

– Most of our older years are spent subconsciously or consciously wishing for youth. Multiply this by thousands of past lives, and you see why people live so freely when they are young. The resonance of this desire does not fade, nor will it in any life you will experience. 

– When we talk, the divine sits in silence and listens; when we Meditate, we sit in silence as the divine speaks.

– Speaking to the divine aspects of existence in authentic heart-filled sentiments is the only way to get the divine to respond. This statement means you can not fool the divine with “Rehearsal Prayers” or “Requests of the Ego.” 

– What makes it possible for you to be, see, and experience? This thing that fuels all things is described in many ways, “The Great Spirit,” “The Tao,” and “Infinitely Expanding Creator Source.” It is formless, nameless, flows through all things, and allows them to be. This limitless macro is the life force behind these words, the origins of the writer and the reader.

– Remain open to all possibilities but do not restrict how the macro can express in the micro.

– We drink from the same body of water but never from the same vessel, nor at the same point of the water’s edge, nor at the same pace or perspective. All that exists is drinking from the same divine water.

– Certain see-ers claim that people who voluntarily leave their bodies have to return and learn the lessons they missed and restart. By who’s authority do humans need to learn these lessons? This explanation is not how a non-objective macro works; this is how dogmatic principles work. There is no authority to life but the hierarchy of yourself. If someone leaves voluntarily, they will have no different experience than anyone else who has left their body. There is no judgment in the macro, and there is no punishment or reward either. 

Today’s Tools:

Tools will be active until the next “Archangelic Day. “

Use the legend below to help you decipher how to best use today’s weapons.

(Passive) = No intention needed to use or arm. It will work on its own when you accept its presence. You need to give permission, and it will work on your behalf.

(Active) = Intention Needed to use

(Aggressive) = Will attack before anything has a chance to harm you.

Do not try to wield weapons if there is no pure love in your heart for your motions and the attached beings.

General: We have a strong shield and armor set balanced with a profoundly powerful “Violet Flame.”

Archangel Metatron has all weapons available in his cache. 

The Rainbow clan is active. 

The “Healing Hand” (Left) is active and optimized, as is the “Striking Hand.” 

The Violet Flame is set for 9 ( 45 = 4 + 5 = 9). The “Violet Flame” is now optimized for transmutation. 

The Violet Flame Team is as follows and is in no particular order: Archangel Gzrel, Archangel Galizur, Archangel Adnachiel, Archangel Emanuel, Archangel Cerviel, Archangel Machdiel, Archangel Bazazath, Archangel Tubiel, Archangel Shamsiel, Archangel Saniel, Archangel Bathkol, Archangel Zadquiel, Archangel Omiel, Archangel Issah, Archangel Peliel, Archangel Phanuel, Archangel Germaine, Archangel Ansiel, Archangel Zadekiel, Archangel Briathos, Archangel Tatrasiel, Archangel Aeshma, Archangel Bariel, Archangel Af, Archangel Daiqueil, Archangel Abraxos, Archangel Adonai, Archangel Sizouze, Archangel Varhmiel, Archangel Verdiel, Archangel Dardriel, Archangelza Agla, Archangel Nuriel, Archangel Uzziel, Archangel Abasdaron, Goddess Brigid, Archangel Puriel, Archangel Orion, Goddess Hathor, Goddess Frigga, Goddess Galactica, Archangel Sablo, Archangel Kerkiel, Goddess Ceres, and Archangel Dabriel.


“Archangel Michael’s (Shiva) Legendary Sword” can handle anything, as it is entirely omnipotent, no level of consciousness can block this divine weapon. It is also a great weapon against electronics and technology as it can override any circuitry.

(Passive, Active, and Aggressive)

“Archangel Issac’s Radiant Field” looks like Magnetos forcefield, and it reacts to any life form with either loving energy or a transmutation-al blast of vast power.

(Passive and Aggressive)

“Archangel Leo’s Swords of Plenty” is a passive and aggressive attack sword with a complete will. Do not try to wield at all; you will only get in the way, equip and go.

(Passive and Aggressive)

“Archangel Shepard’s Orb” is a divinity presence that allows anyone to encounter a clear path to forgiveness or a direct audience with “Infinitely Expanding Creator Source.” This tool is a genuinely compassionate tool of divine orchestration.


“Archangel Tzdeikiel’s Pendant of Justice” lessens all judgment against you and casts you in a favorable light. This tool is also helpful for general shielding.


“Archangel ZagZagel’s Staff of Heavenly Might” rains large crystal masses upon a targeted area. Great for large targets, works on the physical and nonphysical as well. It is also known to part oceans and move mountains when asked. 

(Passive and Active)

“Archangel Ezekiel’s Medal of Radiance” allows you to radiate healing and protective energy to yourself and all you wish to send this. It is beyond beneficial for things obvious and not so obvious.

(Passive and Aggressive)

“Archangel Harut’s Orb of Radiant Blast” hits like a metaphysical neutron bomb to anyone who wishes to do you harm. It keeps anyone that may be giving you the evil eye from being able to harm you.


“Archangel Barakiel’s Lightning Rod” is an advanced engineering tool; place the rod in the center of a temple and activate it independently. This tool saves us a good deal of effort.


“Archangel Vanth’s Lighthouse” is a metaphysical structure that helps those lost find their way to a higher timeline. This tool can help even the most hopeless situations. Send the lighthouse to the crown chakra of anyone at their lowest point. You can also use this on yourself if you are ever truly lost, do not use the lighthouse on trivial matters. 


“Archangel Gabrielle’s Dhul Fiqar Sword” brings down negative energies and anything attached. This Sword will affect beliefs, followers, henchmen, etc. In other words, it does not stop at the point presented to it; it continues until there is nothing left of its essence. 

(Passive and Aggressive)

“Archangel Raguel’s Orb of Reassurance” is like having a supportive best friend in your ear. It is incredibly entertaining and amazingly wise, much like Archangel Raguel. A fantastic communication tool.

(Passive, Active, and Aggressive)

“Archangel Barman’s Sightseeing Orbs” will break down all things and can break us free from any veils of deception. This tool looks like bubbles with clear images inside them; this comes in handy in many ways, obvious and not.


“Archangel Tagas’ Omni-Aid” is a tool that helps you hear above, below, and around someone’s spoken words. This tool shows you the real intentions behind someone’s comments; it’s also an excellent tool for reading cuneiform.


“Archangel Shaquille’s Protective Gaze” protects you from any harmful situations nine steps before they would have ever reached your door. This tool is a great peacekeeper as it doesn’t allow anything dangerous to come anywhere near you. 


“Archangel Zophiel’s Intel” brings your intuition a briefing to go along with your gut instincts. This tool can tell you exactly why you feel a certain way by leaving the guesswork out. If you are not clairaudient, Zophiel will get the message to you in other ways.

(Passive and Aggressive)

“Archangel Soquedehozi’s Wand of Scales” measures the hearts of all things, living and non-living. It judges its merits and either encourage its growth or diminishes its influence upon physical reality. This tool is much like a pencil as it has both erase and creation options.


“Archangel Haniel’s Shield of Truth” protects the honest and kind-hearted with ferocious intensity. It is wise to be pure of mind and intentions, or the shield will not activate. 


“Archangel Harahiel’s” index helps recall past lives and future lives and all other points of personal interest. The great library keeper has more knowledge of living records than any other known being.


“Archangel Qaspiel’s tide changer” turns all momentum in your favor. It manifests like translucent ocean waves surrounding you. Envision this delicate liquid washing over whatever is troubling you.


“Archangel Sagnesagiel’s Body Guarding Services” compellingly watches over you. Evoke this tool for a boost to your protection entourage.


“Archangel Heman’s Song” places well-timed music into your life. Heman exclusively speaks through music; permitting this tool will deliver these messages.


“Archangel Jophiel’s Radiance” is a beautiful tool that allows our inner beauty to shine. This tool is great but can make people possessive over you as the beauty is very intense. Use this tool in a trusted company only.


“Archangel Yabashiel’s Sandals” allows your footsteps to bless the Earth without any extra effort. This tool enables our subconscious selves to be actively involved in the healing process of Gaia. 


“Archangel Raduriel’s Archive Key” allows you access to new areas of knowledge and wisdom; this also gives you better access to the akashic records and summons Archangels to your side as needed.


“Archangel Azrael’s Staff” allows you to see things from a divine perspective. It’s a symbol of wisdom and equipping; this has incredible effects on your thought perception and coping with everyday life.


“Archangel Azriel’s Soul Splitter” has an aggressive attack upon anyone with a higher consciousness who wishes to harm any lower dimensional being. Its nickname comes from describing what it looks like in use. This tool is omnipotent to any evil force.

(Active, Passive, and Aggressive)

“Archangel Azuruel’s Auto Gears” automatically sets the proper parameters to make changes smooth and effortless. It is a great tool to end relationships of all kinds as it guarantees the event manifests for the greater good of all involved.

(Active then Passive)

“Archangel Sandalphon’s Activation Codes” helps you download vast information easily. Intend to use this before meditating, but it can also be helpful day-to-day. 

(Aggressive and Passive)

“Archangel Kokobiel’s energy control staff” can regulate the flow of energetic currents, reverse them, or redirect them. This tool is also great for making grids and activating majestic structures.


“Kali Ma’s Trident” can handle anything as it is entirely omnipotent. Extremely useful on all things. It is an excellent weapon against electronics and technology, as it can override any circuitry, a perfect tool for any assignment.


“Archangel Elyon’s Magical Legend” will bring all the information you need to master your physical reality. This tool will not wield you any results but will bring forth the knowledge and wisdom to do so. 

(Active, Aggressive, and Passive)

“Archangel Ouriel’s Wand of Wills” is a wand that can turn all negative energies into instruments of the divine will. It can make a demon dance the electric slide and a politician humble; use it wisely. This tool is not available that often, so wield accordingly.

(Aggressive and Passive)

“(Artemis) Diana’s Flaming Arrows” are an aggressive barrage of fire arrows that hit all targets before they harm you or your interests.


“Archangel Temperance’s Health Elixir” rejuvenates all aspects of your being with a steady stream of potent healing energy designed to help in good health and in bad. Allow this tool to work on your behalf by telling Archangel Temperance to make it so.

( Active and Passive )

“Archangel Mitatron’s Levitation Orb “allows you to feel lighter in any given situation. It does not matter how dense the circumstances you rise above and feel nothing in your protective bubble.

(Passive and Aggressive)

Archangel Hermisiel’s Heavenly Horn is the lead instrument in all heavenly choirs. It is instantly recognizable as it sends love direct through our heart chakra. It is known to change the dynamics of all things in your Jurisdiction; when this is armed, a vibrational shield forms around your circumference.


“Archangel Vahu Mana’s Timepiece” allows you to savor a positive feeling or thought. It brings an element of majesty to your everyday moments, and it prevents the interference of harmful time travelers.

(Passive, Active & Aggressive)

“Archangel Chamuel’s Radiant Peace” allows you to be secluded in a peaceful bubble, no matter what is happening around you. This tool also allows those in your heart to have protection as well.

(Passive and Active)

“Archangel Jerimiel’s Enhanced Intuition” enables your soul’s voices to become louder; it allows the spirit nudges to be more evident than ever.

(Passive and Aggressive)

“Goddess Themis’s Justice” sets all wrongs to become right by putting you on a timeline where everything goes in your favor. This tool is also excellent in any legal matter as it will ensure the best possible outcome for you. 


“Archangel Faith’s Belief” is a confidence enhancer that allows you to stand in front of the most considerable obstacles with unfathomable faith. This tool keeps reminding you of the higher authority working over your shoulders.

(Passive or Active)

“Archangel Hope’s Love” is a tool used to comfort yourself or send comfort to another. This tool is more powerful than one could ever imagine and can turn around even the darkest moods. 


“Archangel Claire’s Charm of Pure Intentions” allows the person who equips it to see how to act from a place of love at any given moment. This tool helps patience, kindness, and compassion, which is excellent when working with kids.

(Passive and Aggressive)

“Archangel Baruchiels Orb” is excellent for encouraging the healing of old wounds. This orb can is perfect for supporting your dreams and ambitions, but it can also knock beings into another galaxy when necessary.


“Archangel Balthioul’s Spinning Blades can thwart any distress that you may experience, and it can also keep all of your enemies at bay. Even if a seven-nation army is against you, it will bring them to their knees before they can even formulate a plan.

(Active and Passive)

“Archangel Dubbiel’s Staff of Bear Medicine” can heal all natural things. This staff is also a powerful ally against all items that may obstruct you.

(Active and Passive)

“Archangel Chayyliel’s Horn” summons an army of unimaginable power to your location. This Horn is a hypersensitive tool, and it will adapt to current events in your life and on a global scale.


“Archangel Ophamiel’s Charm of Divine Permission” permits the divine hand of “Infinitely expanding Creator Source” to intervene in your life directly.


“Archangel Sophia’s Wisdom” is a friendly voice that helps you via grace and virtue. You can use this passively or evoke to start a dialog with Archangel Sophia. 

(Passive and Aggressive)

“Archangel Drah’s Cosmic Shield” aggressively protects the person who accepts its grace. This tool covers the individual from advanced weaponry, EMF, and other attacks. 

(Passive and Aggressive)

“Goddess Ma’at’s Shield of Justice” does not allow false accusations or unjust punishment to affect you. It brings the light of truth to every situation and conspires to allow things to work out in your favor.


“Archangel Lofiel’s Boutonniere” enhances the beauty of yourself and all that you survey. This modality must get your “Ok” to work on your behalf like all passive tools.


“Archangel Jeduthun’s Radiant Sounds” attract the most beautiful people to your life and enhance your surroundings with beautiful cosmic sounds. Audible downloads will become readily available. 


“Archangel Jefisca’s Atmospheric Bracelet” brings an element of fun to your nights. Jefisca is the Archangel in charge of gatherings; she would be the recommended party planner if you have one.


“Goddess Lakshmi’s Blessing” can convert pain into pleasure. This tool turns everything into a miracle waiting to manifest; it can also guarantee human survival necessities.


“Goddess Abundantia’s Gifts of Divinity” brings welcomed surprises to your day. This tool is incredible at seeing the user is “Well-fed and Well-rested” this means that you will not need anything; because it is there before the need arrives. In a deficit, this tool will help bridge the gap as your belief allows. 

(Passive and Aggressive)

“Archangel Muriel’s Sword of Stone” is a dynamic weapon that can harness the Earth’s power. This Sword can summon or silence earthquakes and bring peace to an active volcano.


“Archangel Camael’s Headdress” gives you an insight into your inner talents and abilities. Set the intention and use it right before meditation; you will not regret it.


“Archangel Raziel’s Universal Key” allows access to all wisdom, knowledge, and kingdoms. This key is a beautiful and wild ride that can take you anywhere.

(Active, Aggressive, and Passive)

“Archangel Expedite’s Wand of Speed” drastically decreases wait time in all situations. This tool helps with big and small things, one of the only devices that work equally well macro and micro.


“Archangel Ariel’s Wand of Comforts” helps you summon any necessity you may have. It is a beautiful and comforting tool when equipped.

(Active, Aggressive, and Passive)

“Archangel Israfil’s Flaming Sword” can protect you against all things directed to you on a Macro or Micro Scale. It can also speed up the wait time when something you wish to manifest will come to fruition.

(Active, Aggressive, and Passive)

“Archangel Nasaragiel’s Flaming Sword” can bring any negative energy to its knees. It also can remove all obstacles in the way of something you wish to manifest.


“Green Tara’s Lions Roar” brings compassionate healing to all things. This tool works wonders on addictions, and inner healing, provided the target wishes to heal. Note: You can not send this modality to another person without their permission.  


“Goddess Sekhmet’s Healing Touch” soothes all physical, spiritual, and mental wounds. Call upon this tool when you are not feeling your best. 


“Archangel Ishmael’s orb of new connections” attracts true friends and loyal hearts to your efforts on a micro and macro scale.

(Passive and Aggressive)

“Archangel Kaleziel’s Radiant Rays of Health” wards off all diseases and illnesses. It can also help recover conditions already inflicted; it works on landmasses and individual living beings.

(Passive and Aggressive)

“Archangel Theliel’s Radiant Compassion” sends heartfelt love to all within your jurisdictions. This tool is the nurturing aspect of healing, and it has incredible warmth. It is best to wield this with a calm frame of mind.


“Archangel Raphael’s Healing Staff” is an omnipotent healing force that works gradually or intensively depending on how you wield it. It is considered the best general healing instrument.

Today’s Assignments:

Please use today’s tools if you need assistance performing the tasks below. Nothing requires you to do the following, if you are ready, your higher self will call you to duty; if not, skip the meditation.




Feel free to use a “Hailing Violet Flame” and an “Atomic Smash” on any following assignments. 

The entrance and Exit portals we created here are still optimized and ideal for use. 

General Assignments: 

* Implement a Multi-Dimensional Violet Flame; “by reaching for the highest level of consciousness available to you at the movement, ignite the “Violet Flame” there, and bring it down, engulfing Dimension upon Dimension until it falls upon the Earth and the Physical Realm in General. Since you have initiated this “Flame” in the higher dimensions, allowing this “Flame” to burn itself is optimal. It takes a great deal of control to sustain the “Flame” without adding anything to it once it reaches Earth. It takes even more power to hold this for an extended time, and it is a matter of letting go, observing yet not attached, doing yet not doing. For you, the “Very Gifted,” this will eventually become effortless.

~ We will implement “Peace and Progress” from the higher dimensions using the same technique as we did with the Multi-Dimensional Violet Flame,” except with “Pink and Indigo.”

~ There is a specific entity going after children in their dreams. Use any means necessary to stop it and launch it through an “Exit portal.” Once the entity is inside the portal, close the portal with “Black Flame.” 

~ Help stop human trafficking and kidnapping by engulfing all those affected by this with these “White Modalities” Flame, Light, Plasma, Breeze, Thundering Light, Plasma, Light, Flame. Then, put an orange infinity symbol on the heads of the victims to help them get home. You may also feel inclined to go at the energies behind this with “Sword and Shield” and an “Exit Portal,” be sure to take care of the victims first. 

~ Poverty is a weapon against peace, and thus we must do our best to eliminate it from humanity. Engulf all the people of Earth in the following “Red and Silver Modalities:” Flame, Water, Breeze, Light, Plasma, Electrical Strike, Thunerding Light, and Ice. 

Astral Time Travel and Astral Positioning” Assignments:

~ Engulf the following years in “Violet Flame:”  361BC, 327BC, 220BC, 98BC, 40BC, 10BC, 10, 40, 98, 116, 220, 327, 361, 540, 603, 630, 1000, 1001, 1010, 1100, 1101, 1110, 1111, 1351, 1360, 1361, 1416, 1572, 1821, 1979, 1999, 2001, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024. 

~ Engulf the following years in “Rainbow Plasma:” 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029, 2030, 2031, 2032, 2033, 2156, 2185, 2374, 2433, 2664, 3586, 3617, 3665, 3686, 3753, 4589, 5036, 5215, 5652, 6030, 6346, 6560, 6878, 9643, 9954.

~ Engulf the following Dimensions with “Rainbow Flame” and “Rainbow Light:” 1D 2D, 3D, 4D, 5D, 6D, 7D, 8D, 9D, 10D, 11D, 12D, 96D, 99D.

~ Enhance the following celestial time gates and number codes with “Rainbow Electrical Strikes.”  1:01, 1:11, 2:02, 2:22, 3:03, 3:33, 4:04, 4:44, 5:05, 5:55, 6:06, 7:07, 8:08, 9:09, 10:10, 11:11, 1:23, 12:34, 12 AM – 9 AM. 

~ Stop the siphoning event on 04/03/22 in Las Vegas by reversing the polarity of its siphoning direction and then severe the connection with “Sword and Shield.” You may also wish to end the ceremony attached and the parties who organize it with “Heavy Violet Flame,” “Sword and Shield,” and an “Exit Portal.”

Work on these “Places” in all dimensions that it exists in with great focus and intensity

~ Nan Madol in the Pacific ocean holds secrets of civilizations as far back as 14,000 years ago. To help unlock its mysteries, engulf the island in the following “Orange Modalities:” Light, Electrical Strike, Plasma, Chrystaline Light, Thundering Light, Light, and Plasma. 

~ A specific place in the ether holds the energetic abundance of King Solomon’s vault.; this place is also accessible in the ether, but either way, you would need to open this cache with the following “Lights:” White, Pink, Light Blue, Gold, Yellow, Green, Red, Brown, Black, Grey, Teal, Rose Gold, Silver, Orange, Indigo, Violet, Platinum, Diamond, and Rainbow.

~ Utah seems to be a place of general interest for many Galactic beings. For better or worse, many beings assemble there. It is in humanity’s best interests to cleanse this place with the following “Violet Modalities:” Flame, Light, Flame, Light, Flame, Breeze, Flame. 

~ The hidden lakes of Mars can enhance the protective energies of the Earth by radiating the vibe of its very receptive waters. Also, considering that our seas and the martian waters are from the same cosmic source, our efforts will only enhance and help heal all things on both planets. Engulf the waters of mars with the following “Waters:” White, Pink, Light Blue, Gold, Yellow, Green, Red, Brown, Black, Grey, Teal, Rose Gold, Silver, Orange, Indigo, Violet, Platinum, Diamond, and Rainbow.

* It is a good general practice to leave the entirety of reality in divine orchestration as we finish up our work.

~ An “Atomic Shake” is a tool implemented when you purposefully “Rattle Physical Reality” down to the atomic level. Many have called this “Zero Point,” a place where everything is neutral and receptive, but they are unaware that to reach a true “Zero Point,” one must direct the atoms (landscape) to do so. You can set an intention before or after “The Shake,” but a purpose must be present. This tool is an excellent tool for ceremonies or puja. We will start our closing with this modality from this point forward.

Try to hold atomic shake throughout the rest of the closing while implementing the following healing modalities.

~ Engulf the Earth in the following “Healing Ice’s” White, Pink, Light Blue, Gold, Yellow, Green, Red, Brown, Black, Grey, Teal, Rose Gold, Silver, Orange, Indigo, Violet, Platinum, Diamond, and Rainbow.

~ Engulf the Earth in the following “Flames:” White, Pink, Light Blue, Gold, Yellow, Green, Red, Brown, Black, Grey, Teal, Rose Gold, Silver, Orange, Indigo, Violet, Platinum, Diamond, and Rainbow.

~ Engulf the Earth in the following “Breezes:” White, Pink, Light Blue, Gold, Yellow, Green, Red, Brown, Black, Grey, Teal, Rose Gold, Silver, Orange, Indigo, Violet, Platinum, Diamond, and Rainbow.

~ “Winds of Change (Flames/Breezes):” Please use both modalities simultaneously and make them one. White, Pink, Light Blue, Gold, Yellow, Green, Red, Brown, Teal, Rose Gold, Silver, Orange, Indigo, Violet, Platinum, Diamond, and Rainbow. 

~ Engulf the Earth in the following Metaphysical Salts: White, Pink, Light Blue, Gold, Yellow, Green, Red, Brown, Black, Grey, Teal, Rose Gold, Silver, Orange, Indigo, Violet, Platinum, Diamond, and Rainbow.

~ Engulf the Earth in the following Electrical Strikes:” White, Pink, Light Blue, Gold, Yellow, Green, Red, Brown, Black, Grey, Teal, Rose Gold, Silver, Orange, Indigo, Violet, Platinum, Diamond, and Rainbow.

~ Engulf the Earth in the following “Waters:” White, Pink, Light Blue, Gold, Yellow, Green, Red, Brown, Black, Grey, Teal, Rose Gold, Silver, Orange, Indigo, Violet, Platinum, Diamond, and Rainbow.

~ Engulf the Earth in the following “Thundering Lights:” White, Pink, Light Blue, Gold, Yellow, Green, Red, Brown, Black, Grey, Teal, Rose Gold, Silver, Orange, Indigo, Violet, Platinum, Diamond, and Rainbow.

~ Engulf the Earth in the following “Crystalline Lights:” White, Pink, Light Blue, Gold, Yellow, Green, Red, Brown, Black, Grey, Teal, Rose Gold, Silver, Orange, Indigo, Violet, Platinum, Diamond, and Rainbow.

~ Engulf the Earth with the following “Gamma Ray Lights:” White Ray, Blue Ray, Yellow Ray, Pink Ray, Green Ray, Ruby Ray, and Violet Ray.

~ Engulf the Earth with the following “Ray Lights:” White Ray, Blue Ray, Yellow Ray, Pink Ray, Green Ray, Ruby Ray, and Violet Ray.

~ Engulf the Earth in the following “Lights:” White, Pink, Light Blue, Gold, Yellow, Green, Red, Brown, Black, Grey, Teal, Rose Gold, Silver, Orange, Indigo, Violet, Platinum, Diamond, and Rainbow.

~ Engulf the Earth in the following “Plasmas:” White, Pink, Light Blue, Gold, Yellow, Green, Red, Brown, Black, Grey, Teal, Rose Gold, Silver, Orange, Indigo, Violet, Platinum, Diamond, and Rainbow.

~ Engulf the Earth in the following “Cloud Cover:” White, Pink, Light Blue, Gold, Yellow, Green, Red, Brown, Black, Grey, Teal, Rose Gold, Silver, Orange, Indigo, Violet, Platinum, Diamond, and Rainbow.

~ We will be finishing with a technique called “Blinding Light.” Light is so intense that it is not available in our current light spectrum and thus void of color. You can flash this modality or hold it firm; the most critical part is implementing indiscernible light. 

Thank You for Your Service!

Today’s Meditation is below; Please Enjoy!

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